Monday, 31 March 2014

Isel park.

Last week we went on another visit to Isel park, we had so much fun. We finished up our sketching/drawing of the Redwood tree, our activity about Isel house and our information about the Redwood tree. Like how tall you think the tree is and how many people with stretched hands go around the tree it was 7!!! that is huge.
By Kayla and Max.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Room 5's Project

We are giving you an up date on our room 5 recycling bottles.We have been recycling bottles by putting blue,green,and red food coloring in clear plastic bottles.It is going very well. Every body that walks through through the door go's WOW that is amazing! Blue is the out line of the bottles, the red is the 5 and the green is the back round. We're really proud of what we've been doing.Also we need a bit more bottles to finish the project so BRING IN YOUR BOTTLES AND LIDS Please. You are more than welcome to come in and take a look at our work.
By Max and Kayla.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


In room 5 we have been learning about space.

So far we have put Mars up on our wall and write facts about mars
We drawed a circle with white chalk then we coloured the circle in with chalk.
We then mixed pink paint with red paint make a cool colour.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Mission juno

Blogger        misson juno

Room 5 have been looking at a website ‘Misson juno.’

It has heaps of facts about Earth and space with all the planets.

By Lucy and Campbell

Monday, 24 March 2014

Blake's Poem

"The grass is as soft as a pillow on my bum. As the cars go by really roaring past my head. Birds
cheep,cicada's make a sound that you can not describe. Trees rattle in the wind leaves falling to
the ground and people stand on the leaf  crunch goes that leaf. The sun is hot on my back the
wind is talking to me. The wind is like fire though my my hair

by blake

My Space

My Space-My room

The black at night beautiful view of my cobwebbed fence.
Makes me want to kiss,
But I cannot do that.
I shall get poisoned.

Imaginative, amazing books,
So much fun to read,
And imagine this, imagine that.
It is like Christmas eve.

The bed, my bed.
Most comfy bed.
How I love it so much.

Oh! My teddys,
Captivating Fluff Cuff and Puppy.
Most best things in the world,
They are so so fluffy.

But there is a terrible thing,
My walls! My walls! My walls!
The white things,
Are not my sort!!

By Keegan



Weet-Bix -Tryathlon 30th of March  on Sunday

It was cancled  from the cyclone ‘Lusie’ .
About 8 people from our class entered .Everybody who entered was about 140 People from our school.
First you swim then you bike 3 /2 laps around the school, after that you run 2/3 laps.
Thanks for entering the Weet-Bix.

By Lucy And Campbell. 

Sunday, 23 March 2014


 The field

The grass is moist and lush.
Bone dry twigs are scattered across the ground.
You hear roaring motor vehicles speed up and down the main road.
You smell the vivid car fumes and the beautiful fresh air.
I spy knotted, old, wise looking trees ,  I look down on city rooves. I peer at a playground ,  I spy the lush green grass growing beautifully. I notice the healthy electric green bushes and my classmates. The lovely cool breeze blows in my sweating face.     
I feel the scorching sun beating on my back.

By Jasper

A Family

A family is caring and helpful.
My sister is lovely,
so is my friendly brother.
My dad is nice and great,
so is my mum. she's kind-hearted.

Family's smell like roses and strawberry's
like love in the air and you are lucky because of the stuff they've done for you.
Family's are helpful,lovely,wonderful and generous.

Family's look like they are reliable,kind and thoughtful.

You hear chattering,knattering and what not.
''cheers'', your family say.

Your memory's come back after you have'nt seen family members for ages.

You release your love in a powerful way.

That's a whanua.

By Levi

My beautiful dog!

In Class We Are Writing Poems This Is The first To Our blog

The smell of my beautiful dog!
He's very cheeky!
He loves to prance around just like a puppy!
He tumbles up and down the stairs!
He runs around with his stick all day!
He always eats a million biscuits, breakfast, lunch and tea!

By Briarna

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Art - Portraits

In class we are doing some art.We did Art with shapes.Most of us did dogs or fish.Caitlin Did a Shark. We are now finishing our Portraits.They are black and white photos and around that We have photos or words from magazines and stick them around our face.In our class we have photos of them.
From WOW Week we did an art work with plastic bottles and put Ink in them and did art with them.We are writing with it A Red 5 and the rest blue buy the art corner we did it with string and it Fell so we took it down

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Our Space, my Space and Outer Space

 In room 5 our topic theme is our Space, my Space and Outer Space. We wrote a poem about our Space and were we felt comfortable and safe. This is what our teacher got us to write in our Topic books :
He said we're going to mars you can take 20 things. Most people wrote food, water, clothes, family and pets in the end we could only have 4 things!
For Outer Space we watched videos about all the planets, stars and controlling a space shuttle. Some people think Earth is the biggest planet in space! But as you may know there are thousands of planets that are a billion or so times bigger than Earth! Earth is a tiny dot in space. Did you know that the sun  is about 109 times bigger that Earth.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Class Song

 He honore

Latley we’ve been singing a song Mr Davis’ and it is called He Honore it goes like this.

He honore, he kororia

Maungarongo ki  te whenua

Whakaaro pai e kinga tangata katoa

Ake ake, ake ake amine

Te atu,te piringa,

Toku oranga
And in the second time we Say Toko Oranga Twice
Heres The Link :

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Interschool Swimming

 Yesterday was the Inter School Swimming
We were up against Henley Birchwood, Ennerglen, Tahunanui, NCA, Stoke And A lot of schools around the region .Ilaria Was the only kid in our class who was competing in the Inter schools . Lots of parents came. The FACT Team applied us with drinks such as :Hot chocolate ,Coffee ,Tea Fizzy And Biscuits.
Ilaria Also said it was a AwEsOmE experience .Her placings Were 1st In Freestyle.1st In Backstroke .And 3rd In Breastroke  .And Also in the Finals She came 5th In freestyle and backstroke .In the school Relays our school Came 2nd.

By Levi and Liam

Monday, 10 March 2014

Isel Part Visit

 Isel Park Visit
Tomorrow we are going to Isel park we are going to do Frisbee Golf which is Golf but there is no holes but you use a Frisbee and we are going to do sketching and sketch stuff at the park and go into the Isel house it is the whole senior syndicate going it is going to be awesome.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Recycled Bottles

This week is wow week and room 5 are making all different types of thrilling creations.Its Been fun so far.We have gone onto the internet and searched up as many ideas on what to do with recycled bottles such as chairs,mini canoe's and more.

Swimming sports

Yesterday Nayland Primary had their swimming sports at Nayland Pool. They were selling milo, coffee, tea and biscuits. Like every year the Parents, Teachers and winning team/class all race each other and the teachers dress up. Mr Davis dived in with his wig and hat still on. The hat ripped and the wig floated in the pool for Mr Davis' turn for the swim to the other side. The water was cold when you first hopped in. Everyone did very well. If you got 1st 2nd or 3rd you might go to the inter-schools.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Room 5 Mihi's

Last week on Friday room 5 published their Mihis and practiced them.We made our starters for homework and published at school.The Mihis contain: Mother,Father,Sub-Tribe,Tribe,school,Canoe,Mountain,River,Marae,Place you're from and Name.

By Emma & Keegan