Wednesday, 25 February 2015


In room 5 we are learning different skills in swimming. We have a great class relay team and we are going swimming on the day we go to camp.
We are going to get high marks at swimming sports.
At class swimming we have a chart if the class at least finishes ten swimming skills, we get to have free time in the pool.
When we get changed and out the gate we get into our table groups. The first table group ready gets points.
Move out the way classes, Room 5 is going to win the swimming sports!!!

Sunday, 22 February 2015


Everybody in room 5 is very excited for camp.
At camp we are going to be good so that we don't get sent home.
The sand between our toes. We can see Hall Ashore island. Can you guess where we are staying? Yes we are staying at Marahau with room 3.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Cricket world cup

Black caps Versus Sri lanka
On the first day of the world cup  they were at Saxton oval in Nelson.
The seats were all full.
Some children led the cricketers into the field.
The drone flew around at the start of the game and got videos of the field and the cricket players practicing.
Sri lanka was batting first.
The whistle blew and the game started!
There was a gigantic playground with bouncy castles and it was fun.
One batter for Sri lanka was already out For leg before wicket (When the ball hits the batters leg).
There  were people cheering for the Black caps and waving flags. "yeah woo hoo"
But next Sri lanka got a 4.
Suddenly the batter ran and he got 3 runs or sri lanka.
At the end the score for Sri Lanka was 167.
Now it was turn for the Black Caps to bat!
and then at the end  of the game Sri lanka ended with a score of 167.
Near the end of the game it was up to Brendan Mcullum to win this.
Everyone was
New Zealand had a very close win with...

                             WITH 13 BOWLS LEFT!!!!!!!! 



Thursday, 12 February 2015

Welcome back to Room 5!!

This year Room 5 has a lot of fun stuff ahead of us like: Class camp in 2 weeks, New people (year 4 and 5's) and much much more! We have new challenges as well. We have a class code that says: Manakitanga, TrailBlazers, Respect, 100% Effort, Bully-Free and Work Together. A Whakatauki Mckenzie said for her oral language is: Kaua e mata Wheke uru roa. Don't Die like an octopus, die like a Hammer head shark. Mr. Davis thought of a quote for our class.

                                                                           -Kenneth H. Blanchard